This&That Vol. 46: “Genre Eclectic, Female Focused”(SHIBUYA QWS共催)

- 日付
- 2023/03/10(金)
- 時間
- 19:30 - 23:30
- 場所
- スクランブルホール (SHIBUYA QWS内)
- 参加費
- 1000円
***Invite your friends. Everyone is welcome!! ***
This&That Vol.46:「多彩な女性が集う一夜」
This&That Vol. 46: “Genre Eclectic, Female Focused”
Hosted by the art agency TokyoDex, the ongoing art-and-music event “This&That”(#This&That)
Celebrated in March throughout the world, International Women’s Day provides the inspiration for This&That Vol. 46 as we shine a light on female creators in Tokyo from myriad backgrounds working across diverse genres. From singer-songwriters to versatile VJs, this latest installment of TnT boasts a myriad of talent with a distinctly female flair. Come join us and cheer on women in the arts everywhere that continue to offer us new expressions as they share their unique gifts with the world.
TnT Video from 2022:
▼こんな方は是非! Why you should come
・DJやライブ音楽を楽しみたい方!/ Enjoy DJs and live music!
・クリエイティブなコミュニティーと繋がりたい方!/ Re-connect with the creative community!
・最高にChillな夜を過ごしたい方!/ Chillest night ever!
▼料金/ Price
入場料:1,000yen + 1 drink order(ワンドリンクは別)
Peatixからチケットをご購入ください/ Please buy your ticket from Peatix.
▼場所/ Place
SHIBUYA QWS(渋谷キューズ)内 スクランブルホール
(渋谷スクランブルスクエア 15F/ Shibuya Scramble Square 15F)
Nori Okawa (ライブペイント / Live Painting Artist)
Reese Lansangan (ミュージシャン / Musician)
rikeylittleforest (ミュージシャン / Musician)
Grenfelle (バンド / Band)
Playing The World (DJ)
Ajuka Fujino (VJ)
Blue Lion Tokyo (フォトブース / Photobooth)
Nomi (2D/3D/ビデオアーティスト / 2D/3D/Video Artist)
▼About This&That
This&Thatはアート&ミュージックイベントです。ジャンルやバックグラウンドにとらわれず、様々なアーティストが集い、東京のクリエイティブコミュニティーを盛り上げるためのイベントです。 過去44回に渡って行われ、毎回300人以上のゲストが参加してきた東京を代表するアートイベントです。
This&That is an art and music event where artists of various genres and backgrounds come together to invigorate Tokyo’s creative community. The event has been held 45 times to date, and brings together more than 150 guests each time, making it one of the biggest art parties in Tokyo.
【主催/ Host】TokyoDex
【共催/ Co-Sponsor】SHIBUYA QWS(渋谷キューズ)
▼TokyoDexとは?/ Who’s TokyoDex?
TokyoDex is an art agency that specializes in connecting clients with the vast array of artistic talent found throughout Japan. We build custom teams of artists from all fields to provide creative solutions catered for any space, event, or commercial production. From interior design to street activations, TokyoDex injects passion, creativity and excitement into any situation.
2019年11月1日、渋谷駅直結・直上に開業した渋谷スクランブルスクエア。SHIBUYA QWS(以下QWS)は、その15階に位置する会員制の共創施設です。【Social Scramble Space / 渋谷から世界へ問いかける、可能性の交差点】をコンセプトに掲げ、多様なバックグラウンドを持つプレイヤー達の[問い]を交差させることで、未知の価値に繋がるムーブメントを生み出すことを目指しています。
・SHIBUYA QWS Webサイト : (こちら)
・SHIBUYA QWS 紹介動画/Introduction movie with English sub : (こちら)
SHIBUYA QWS is a membership-based co-creation facility that aims to create seeds that lead to new values in the world by gathering, and interacting with diverse people regardless of age or area of expertise.
We believe that exploring the essence of things and continuing to ask questions will be the starting point for a new value. The name of the facility SHIBUYA QWS stands for Question With Sensibility.
Social Scramble Space / SHIBUYA QWS This is an intersection of possibilities that asks the world from Shibuya.
【お客様へのお願い/ To All Our Guests】※ 必ずお読みください
お申込みを頂いた時点で、ご同意頂いたとみなします。/ You will be assumed to have agreed to the terms of this agreement when you apply for the event.
・主催者による撮影 /Filming by the organizers
会場内では、主催者による写真や動画撮影が行われる予定です。会場内のお客さまが映り込む場合があります。それらは、当日のSNS配信および街頭ビジョンに於ける放映、イベント終了後の広告物、取材メディアによるテレビ/新聞/雑誌/WEBなどに露出/掲載される場合がありますので、あらかじめご了承ください。/ Photographs and videos will be taken at the venue by us and other media. Some of the guests in the venue may be filmed. Please be aware that the images may be used for socail on the day of the event, and may be exposed/published in advertising materials after the event, as well as on TV, newspapers, magazines, websites, etc. by media outlets that cover the event.