オンライン国際ワークショップ「超高齢化x新型感染症併存の社会とどう向き合うべきか」~QWSアカデミア早稲田大学 International Online-Workshop on “Potential of microbiome application in the society faced with super-aging population and novel infectious diseases”

- 日付
- 2020/09/23(水)
- 時間
- 17:20-19:00
- 場所
- オンライン
- 参加費
- 無料
そこで、QWS ACADEMIAの特集ワークショップ「超高齢化x新型感染症併存の社会とどう向き合うべきか:腸内細菌の有用性を探る」を、学生、企業人、一般など広く対象として隔週で開催してきました。本特集ワークショップでは、腸内細菌の研究とそのビジネスへの展開に関する動向と将来について分かりやすく説明し、今後、われわれが新型コロナ感染症など感染症とどう向き合っていくかも含めて
第4回目のワークショップは国際オンラインワークショップとして、9月23日(水)17:20-19:00、「超高齢化x新型感染症併存の社会とどう向き合うべきか」をテーマに、理化学研究所・医科学イノベーションハブ推進プログラム・健康データ深層学習チームの清田純チームリーダー、日本マイクロバイオームコンソーシアム運営委員長の寺内淳博士(小野薬品工業株式会社 プロジェクト評価室室長)、及び腸内細菌の分野における世界最大のVCであるSeventure PartnersのEric de la Fortelleマネジャーを招いて、日英同時通訳付きで開催します。「腸内細菌」に関する特集ワークショップの最終回です。皆さん、腸内細菌の秘密を探って、パラダイムチェンジ進行中のわれわれの生活に腸内細菌がどのように役立つのかを世界の視点で考えてみましょう。
◆主催:Shibuya QWS イノベーション協議会
The research on microbiome is indispensable for the super-aging society. Much progress has been made in this field as it joins together with other leading sciences and technologies and new businesses are being developed. Further, there are active discussions on how the research can lead to prevention and treatment of new infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
In light of this, QWS ACADEMIA will host a bi-weekly workshop “Potential of microbiome application in the society faced with super-aging population and novel infectious diseases”. The workshop is open to students, business persons and anyone else interested in this field. Participants in the workshop will have opportunities to learn the trends and future of the microbiome research and its commercial application and experts’ views on how we should cope with infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
Let us together explore the secret of microbiome and think about how microbiome might help us in the midst of paradigm shift.
◆Participation Style
Zoom Webinar (Log-in URL and Password will be sent by 17:00 on Sep.23 in 2020)
◆Registration Fee
◆Registration Deadline
17:00 on Sep.23 in 2020
◆Organizer:Shibuya QWS Innovation Council
◆Co-organizer:Global Consolidated Research Institute for Science Wisdom, Waseda University/Institute for Advanced Research of Biosystem Dynamics, Waseda University/QUE/The Japan Microbiome Consortium
◆Cooperation:WASEDA-EDGE Program
◆Contact Information:https://que-org.github.io/Contact
タイムスケジュール(Time Schedule)
17:15 開場
17:20 QWS紹介
17:25 開会挨拶 朝日 透(早稲田大学 理工学術院 教授・WASEDA-EDGE人材育成プログラム 実行副委員長・グローバル科学知融合研究所 所長)
17:30 招待講演 「深層学習が可能にするデータ駆動個別化医療」 清田 純(理化学研究所・医科学イノベーションハブ推進プログラム・健康データ深層学習チーム チームリーダー)
17:45 質疑応答
17:50 招待講演 「ヒトマイクロバイオーム研究に基づく創薬ビジネスの現状と今後の展望」寺内 淳(日本マイクロバイオームコンソーシアム運営委員長/小野薬品工業株式会社研究プロジェクト統括部 プロジェクト評価室室長)
18:05 質疑応答
18:10 招待講演 “How to Translate Microbiome Science into a Better Life for All Members of Society : The Role of Business, Investors and Scientists Working Together to Create Value” Eric de la Fortelle(Seventure Partners, Manager)
18:25 質疑応答
18:30 パネルディスカション「超高齢化x新型感染症併存の社会とどう向き合うべきか」
【パネリスト】 清田 純/寺内 淳/Eric de la Fortelle
【モデレーター】 大竹秀彦(コランダム・システム・バイオロジー 代表取締役社長)
18:55 閉会挨拶
19:00 閉場
17:15 Online Site Open
17:20 Introduction to QWS
17:25 Opening Address Dr. Toru Asahi (Waseda University, Professor)
17:30 Invited Lecture “Data-driven Personalized Medicine with Deep Learning” Dr. Jun Seita (RIKEN, Medical Sciences Innovation Hub Program, Health Data Deep Learning Team, Team Leader)
17:45 Q & A
17:50 Invited Lecture “Current Status and Future Perspective of Drug Discovery and Dvelopment based on Human Microbiome Research” Dr. Jun Terauchi (Japan Microbiome Consortium, Chair of Steering Committee/ONO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD, Director of Research Portfolio and Resource Management Office)
18:05 Q & A
18:10 Invited Lecture “How to Translate Microbiome Science into a Better Life for All Members of Society : The Role of Business, Investors and Scientists Working Together to Create Value” Dr. Eric de la Fortelle (Seventure Partners, Manager)
18:25 Q & A
18:30 Panel Discussion “Microbiome Application in the Society Faced with Super-aging Population and Novel Infectious Diseases”
【Panelist 】 Dr. Jun Seita/Dr. Jun Terauchi/Dr. Eric de la Fortelle
【Moderator】 Dr. Hidehiko Ohtake (Corundum Systems Biology, CEO)
18:55 Closing Address
19:00 Online Site Closed
登壇者(Guest Speaker)

清田 純
清田 純
Jun joined RIKEN Medical Sciences Innovation Hub Program in 2017 as a principal investigator and his laboratory has been studying deep learning for medicine and beyond. Before joining RIKEN, Jun had been in Stanford University for more than 10 years studying stem cell biology, systems biology, and data-driven sciences. Jun has more than 40 publications, over 8000 citations, and his h-index is 31. Jun began his career in 1996 as a cardiovascular surgeon and has a Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo.

寺内 淳
寺内 淳
1991年 京都大学工学研究科合成化学専攻博士課程修了後、武田薬品工業入社、主に創薬化学研究・中枢創薬研究に従事。2000年 米国ピッツバーグ大学博士研究員2014年 小野薬品工業に入社、主に研究マネジメント業務に従事、現在に至る。マイクロバイオーム活動としては、2015年に マイクロバイオームコンソーシアム準備ワーキングチームの立ち上げに関与し、JMBCの設立に向けた準備を進める。2016年 JMBC立ち上げとともに、運営委員長に専任され現在に至る。NEDO先導研究プログラムや戦略的イノベーション創造プログラムにJMBCが採択され、研究活動を進めている。
Dr. Terauchi serves as the Steering Committee Chair of Japan Microbiome Consortium (JMBC) founded in 2017. He contributed to found JMBC from the preparation working group. He joined Ono Pharmaceutical Company Ltd in 2014 and is currently appointed as the Director of Research Portfolio and Resource Management Office in Resaerch Head Quarter of Ono. He has more than 25 years experience in Drug Disscovey in Pharmaceutical industry. He bgan his career in 1991 at Takeda Pharmaceutical Company as the medicinial chemist joined mainly Central Nervous System durg discovery programs after completing his Ph. D at Kyoto University. He moved to Ono in 2014.

Eric de la Fortelle
Eric de la Fortelle
Eric joined Seventure Partners in January 2014 as a Venture Partner, particularly for investments in Benelux, Scandinavia, Northern Switzerland, Israel, the United States and Canada. He is active in the fields of pharma, biotech, connected health and the microbiome applications in these fields. He brings more than 20 years’ experience gained in the pharmaceutical industry, academic research and in innovative biotechnology companies. Eric began his career in 1990 as a research scientist and contributed to the field of protein structure determination by X-ray crystallography with more than 20 publications and 2000 citations. After completing an MBA, he held a business development management role in a biotech company in San Diego, California, where he was responsible for strategic partnerships. He then led Roche Pharma’s technology alliances and licensing department for six years where he was responsible for identifying and establishing contract agreements with innovative biotechnology companies globally. In 2011, he took over the management of a Swiss startup company, Delenex Therapeutics AG, which develops topical therapeutic antibodies for skin diseases. Eric qualified as an engineer from the Ecole Centrale Paris and has a PhD from the University of Paris XI, and an MBA from INSEAD business school.

大竹 秀彦
大竹 秀彦
Hidehiko Otake started his career at the Tokyo office of Bain & Company, a US management consulting firm, where he oversaw corporate strategy, marketing strategy, post-merger integration and e-commerce strategy in fields such as medical device, pharmaceutical, energy, beverage and retail. After two years in Boston at Harvard Business School, he joined JWT, WPP Group’s advertising agency, where he served as the General Manager of Thompson Connect/digital@JWT in charge of online/direct marketing and BTL marketing for automotive, financial, and multinational FMCG clients. Subsequently, he became a founder and CEO of two bio-technology start-up companies. He joined Kantar Japan in June 2011 and was appointed as CEO in 2014 and Chairman in 2019. Hidehiko is now CEO of Corundum Systems Biology Inc. launched in 2020.
ワークショップマネジャー(Workshop Manager)

早稲田大学にて、1992年に博士(理学)、2007年に経営学修士を取得し、Super Technology Officer (STO)となる。早稲田大学の理工学部応用物理学科助手、各務記念材料技術研究所助教授、理工学総合研究センター助教授、先端科学・健康医療融合研究機構教授などを経て、現在、早稲田大学生命医科学科・専攻およびナノ理工学専攻の教授、5年一貫制博士課程先進理工学専攻の主任教授、グローバル科学知融合研究所所長、ナノ・ライフ創新研究機構副機構長を務める。将来のアントレプレナーやイントレプレナーを育成するWASEDA-EDGE人材育成プログラムに取り組み、実行副委員長を務める。学際的研究を推進し、イノベーション人材の育成に精力的に取り組んでいる。専門は、キラル科学、生物物性科学、結晶光学、機能性薄膜、対称性の破れ、コオロギゲノム関連研究。
Toru Asahi is Professor of Department of Life Science and Medical Bioscience, Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, and Department of Advanced Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering in Waseda University. He graduated from Department of Applied Physics in Waseda University in 1986 and received his Doctor’s Degree in Science in 1992 and Master’s Degree in Business Association in 2007, and then has been awarded Super Technology Officer (STO) certification from Waseda University. He is engaged in fostering entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs as Deputy Director of WASEDA-EDGE Program. He is Director of Global Consolidated Research Institute for Science Wisdom and also Deputy Director of the Research Organization for Nano & Life Innovation in Waseda University. He has played important roles in promoting interdisciplinary researches and nurturing future innovators. His current research interests are Chiral Science, Bio-solid State Physics, Crystal Optics, Functional Thin Films, and Symmetry Breaking.

高校1年のときアメリカのラスベガスに1年間留学。留学中、オーディションを受け、コメディーショーの主役に抜擢された経験より、演技することに興味を持つ。帰国後、2015年より女優として、ドラマ、舞台、CMなどに出演(エクスペディアCM、フジテレビスカッとジャパンなど)。2017年、よしもとドラマ部の金の卵オーディションにてグランプリを受賞、念願のドラマ主演を果たす。2019年、アメリカニューヨーク州に留学し、New York Film Academyの演技プログラムに参加、約1年間Syracuse Universityにて演技と映像制作を勉強し、数々の生徒作品に出演、監督、制作として関わる。2020年4月、WASEDA-EDGE人材育成プログラムの授業で知り合った学生らと学生団体QUEを創設。現在、「ハリウッドにおける日本の表現のされかた」をテーマに研究に従事しつつ、2020年8月よりフリーランスの俳優として活動中。
Chikako studied for a year in Las Vegas in high school. During the year, she got chosen as a main role in a school comedy show, and became interested in acting. After she came back to Japan in 2015, she started her professional career in acting, and has booked jobs in drama series, TV commercials and theatres, such as a TV commercial for Expedia, and a variety show “Sukatto Japan”. In 2017, she won the “Yoshimoto golden egg award”, and achieved a main role in a drama. In the 2019 summer, she started to study in New York, where she finished an intensive acting program in New York Film Academy, as well as studying acting and filming for a year in Syracuse University, where she also has worked as a director, besides her acting career. In April 2020 she co-founded QUE, a student organization, with students from WASEDA-EDGE program. In August 2020 she started her career as a freelance actor. Currently in progress in finishing her thesis on “Appearance of Japan in Hollywood Films”.