【オンライン】国際オンラインワークショップ 「米国と日本における無意識・無自覚の偏見や差別について考える」QWSアカデミア(早稲田大学)

- 日付
- 2020/07/18(土)
- 時間
- 11:00-12:30
- 場所
- オンライン
- 参加費
- 無料
アメリカから始まり世界中に広がっているBlack Lives Matter運動ですが,その大きな一つの要因にはマイクロアグレッション(自覚ない差別)とアンコンシャスバイアス(無意識の偏見)の積み重なりがあります。これらの言葉の解説と具体的な事例から,BLM運動が日本にどのように関係しているのか,そして同じようなことは日本でも起き得るのかを考えてみませんか。
/ Started from the U.S., the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has spread all around the world these days. The cause of this movement is not only the tragedy that happened to George Floyd but also the accumulation of microaggressions and implicit bias toward African-Americans in daily lives. In this event, we would like to explain these terms with specific examples, then think about the hidden causes of the BLM movement and racism in the U.S. and Japan.
※ 日英通訳あり
/ Japanese-English interpretation available
◆タイトル / Title
QWSアカデミア 国際オンラインワークショップ「米国と日本における無意識・無自覚の偏見や差別について考える」
/ QWS Academia (Waseda)
International Online Workshop on “Thinking about Unconscious Bias and Racism in the U.S. and Japan”
◆日時 / Date
7月18日(土) 11:00-12:30
(申込締切 / Due Date 7月17日(金)17:00)
◆開催方法 / method
/ Link and password to join the conference will be provided before the symposium by email.
◆参加費 / Entry fee
無料 / Free
◆プログラム詳細 / Program
10:30 オンライン開場 / Online Site Open
10:45 QWS・WASEDA-EDGE紹介 朝日透(早稲田大学理工学術院教授)
/ Introduction of QWS and WASEDA-EDGE Toru Asahi
(Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University)
10:55 QUE紹介 / Introduction of QUE
11:00 – 11:05 開会挨拶 三石ミゲール(早稲田大学先進理工学部)
/ Opening Address Miguel Mitsuishi
Miguel Mitsuishi (School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University)
11:05 – 11:15 マイクロアグレッションとアンコンシャスバイアス
/ Microaggression and unconscious bias
Daniel Hoague(UCLA、Cota-Roblesフェロー/Center for Diverse Leadership in Scienceフェロー/全米科学財団サステナビリティプログラム研修生)
Daniel Hoague (Cota-Robles fellow, Center for Diverse Leadership in Science fellow, and a National Science Foundation Trainee in the sustainability program, UCLA)
11:15 – 11:25 質疑応答
/ Q&A
11:25 – 11:35 日本での事例
/ Instances in Japan Toma-Jin Morikawa(Amherst College政治学専攻)
Toma-Jin Morikawa (Majoring in Political Science, Amherst College)
11:35 – 11:45 アメリカでの事例,BLM運動はなぜ起きたのか Instances in the USA and why the BLM movement have started Danielle Hoague
11:45 – 11:55 質疑応答 / Q&A
11:55 – 12:25 鼎談 Danielle Hoague、Toma-Jin Morikawa、溝上茉里子(早稲田大学創造理工学部)
/ Discussion Danielle Hoague、Toma-Jin Morikawa、Mariko Mizogami (School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda University)
Daniel Hoague
Toma-Jin Morikawa
Mariko Mizogami (School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda University)
12:25 – 12:30 閉会挨拶 朝日透(早稲田大学理工学術院教授)
/ Closing Address Toru Asahi (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University)
12:40 – 13:30 シャッフリング
/ Shuffling

Danielle Hoague
Danielle Hoague
Danielle Hoague (she/her) is a second-year Ph.D. student in the UCLA Environment and Sustainability program pursuing interdisciplinary research in environmental justice and science and technology studies. Her research explores the political exchange between scientific knowledge and community activism that produces disparate health outcomes for disadvantaged communities in the Los Angeles region. Danielle transferred from community college to graduate as a Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society member and McNair Scholar from UC Berkeley in 2019 with her B.S. in Society and Environment, f. Justice and Sustainability. At UC Berkeley, she independently researched how food insecurity affects low-income students in the San Francisco Bay Area while managing an education policy research lab. At UCLA, she is a Cota-Robles fellow, Center for Diverse Leadership in Science fellow, and a National Science Foundation Trainee in the sustainability program.

Toma-Jin Morikawa
Toma-Jin Morikawa
Toma-Jin Morikawa Fouquet is a senior at Amherst College majoring in Political Science. He studied for a year as an exchange student at the University of California, Berkeley, and received a scholarship from the Gyomu Super Dream Japan Zaidan. At Doshisha University and U.C. Berkeley, Toma-Jin focused largely on international relations with an interest in postwar US-Japan relations. He transferred to Amherst College in 2019 as the Doshisha-Neesima Scholar of 2019 and now looks at the intersections of poststructuralism and international relations.

Mariko Mizogami
Mariko Mizogami
Mariko Mizogami is a fifth-year student at Waseda University majoring in Industrial and Management Systems Engineering. She studied data science and business at the University of California, Berkeley as a member of the Waseda Global Leadership Fellows Program. Mariko also conducted research (topic: Delineating Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Cohorts with Machine Learning) at Rice University through TOMODACHI-STEM @Rice University Program and received the 1st place for the best poster presentation and research. She is a co-founder of the Waseda AI Lab, a member of “No Venture, No Victory” entrepreneurship program in Israel, and a mentee at TOMODACHI Metlife Women’s Leadership Program.

Toru Asahi(Doctor of Science, MBA, STO)
Toru Asahi(Doctor of Science, MBA, STO)
Toru Asahi is Professor of Department of Life Science and Medical Bioscienc , Professor of Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, and the Chief Professor of Department of Advanced Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering in Waseda University. He is the Director of the Global Consolidated Research Institute for Science Wisdom and also the Deputy Director of the Research Organization for Nano & Life Innovation. He has played important roles in promoting interdisciplinary researches and nurturing innovators as a Super Technology Officer (STO). He is engaged in developing entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs as the Deputy Director of WASEDA-EDGE PROGRM. His current research interests are Chiral Science, Bio-solid State Physics, Crystal Optics, Functional Thin Films, Symmetry Breaking.
◆通訳 / Interpreter
Sachiyo Ouchi
Kazuya Duimich
主催 : QUE / QWSイノベーション協議会
Organized by QUE and QWS Innovation Council
共催 : グローバル科学知融合研究所
Co-organized by Global Consolidated Research Institute for Science Wisdom
協力: WASEDA-EDGE人材育成プログラム
With the support of Waseda-EDGE Global Talent Development Program